Practice Areas
Excellence and Dedication in Criminal Law
Corporate Criminal Law
Crimes against the financial system, crimes against the economic order (cartel and abuse of economic power), crimes in the capital markets, crimes against the tax system, money laundering crimes involving assets, rights, and values, environmental crimes, electoral crimes, crimes related to consumer relations, intellectual property crimes, fraud in public procurement, and other related offenses.
General Criminal Law
Crimes against individuals (offenses involving life, physical integrity, freedom, honor, and property), crimes against public administration (committed by public officials or private individuals), domestic violence cases (Maria da Penha Law), minor criminal offenses (JECRIM), cybercrimes, and other criminal matters.
Compliance has grown as companies increasingly prioritize adhering to regulations and ethical practices, especially since the enactment of the Anti-Corruption Law. Ensuring alignment with established codes of conduct is the most secure way to mitigate risks and reduce costs associated with fines and reputational damage.